Client: City of Amesbury
Construction Cost: $2 Million
Key Facts:
The City of Amesbury is developing the Woodsom Farm site, an area consisting of approximately 23 acres, into a multi-use Athletic Field Complex. To date, GM2 has completed master planning, survey and wetland resource area identification. The scope of work encompasses soccer fields, large multi-use fields which may support lacrosse, flag football, and possibly ultimate frisbee, baseball fields that include 60-foot diamonds and 90-foot diamonds, and softball fields. Due to the rehabilitation of the adjacent Cashman School property, construction of the two new baseball fields is critical as the existing fields will be displaced by the school’s rehabilitation. Design challenges for this project include respecting natural resources including Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW) and Ponds, rolling topography, shallow depths to ledge and seasonal high-water table which exists within the project area. GM2, using a locally known wetland consultant identified bordering vegetated wetlands and a perennial stream onsite. We filed an ANRAD with the local conservation commission which they approved and are currently awaiting issuance of the ORAD.