Eversource Reclamation Project

Client: Eversource

Key Facts:

  • 23.5 Mile Line Section
  • MLOL Survey

GM2 was contracted to provide a Monumented Line of Location Survey for two adjacent projects in western Massachusetts totaling 23.5 miles in length. Control was established throughout the corridor utilizing static GPS occupations and methodically tied to existing geodetic control in the surrounding area. A conventional traverse was run the entire length of the project while locating all existing boundary evidence and structures within the utility corridor. GM2's professional surveyors then analyzed all available evidence to determine the limits of the ROW and establish a MLOL. Prior to construction, vegetation clearing limits were flagged where clearing was slated to occur. The mountainous and heavily vegetated terrain posed challenges both for access as well as survey logistics throughout all phases of the project. GM2's field crews have adapted both their skills and equipment to seamlessly and efficiently conduct survey in these types of adverse conditions.